New Year Resolution
New Year Resolutions –

Resolutions are made every new year. While many are made only to be broken later, there are numerous others that are quite often completed successfully. The resolutions outlined below are the most commonly made one. They top the list of broken New Year resolutions too. Sounds pragmatic or are they just another example of an oxymoron? Read on to know what those are…

The 10 Popular New Year’s Resolutions

Spend quality time with my friends and family

Wow! Spending more quality time with the family sounds good. Unfortunately, this is one of the resolutions that we take everyone and conveniently forget it, citing our work, meetings, and what not. The list of excuses made up is endless. Try to catch up with your friends as well. With social media growing up every other moment, there are countless apps and social networking sites you can rely on to rekindle your old friendship. And, why not! Work does not always count first!

Shed those excessive load off our body

Obesity and overweight are not just something that you can forget and move on. It is an epidemic one. And, that is why it makes its entry into the most popular New Year resolutions. At the end of the year, many of us find that the goals that were set were not met. Make SMART goals – specific, manageable, achievable, realistic, and time bound. This will help you to stay glued to the goals and achieve them.

Exercise more and be fitter

This New Year’s resolution shares a very close relationship with the aforementioned one. All of us know that exercise is very important to maintain your health – physically and mentally. Countless studies have proven that being fit lowers the risk of various health conditions, including cancers, aids in weight loss, improves your mood, and gives you a longer life period. To be precise, exercise is quintessential for a healthy and happy life. No more excuses; start today, slowly, but assertively and you will soon fall into the track!

Life is short! Let me enjoy it to the fullest!

How many of us do this? We do quote this, but we fail to. Enjoying life is something that has now gone from being a natural one to a one that needs a resolution. Despite that we often find ourselves entangled in this stressful, hectic life of ours. Multitasking is good and we all, especially women, do that. But, you need a break! Try a holistic workshop or just let yourself go by gifting yourself with a fabulous massage. The decision is yours; you can decide what you want to. Things can wait; but there is one life; so enjoy every moment to its fullest so that it won’t give you a chance to regret during your autumn days.

Say bye to alcohol

Alcohol is addictive and almost 40% of this world is under the control of this devilish liquid, that comes in various deceptive forms. Be it your wine or brand or your favorite cocktail, cutting down on the intake in very essential to shied yourself from unprecedented health conditions. While many people have attempted to keep up with resolution, many have failed in keeping it up. The reason – the alcohol withdrawal makes the go crazy. Do not let go on one fine day; cut down the quantity, little a time, and there will be a day when you are alcohol free. So, are you ready for the deal?

I will not smoke again

Smoking, akin to consuming alcohol, is definitely bad for your health. If you have decided to quit smoking this year, you should keep it up. There are numerous therapies that could aid you to help you escape from its deadly clutches. Just because you couldn’t keep up your resolution last year does not mean it is all over. You can start from the scratch. Keep trying and enjoy a cigar free life by the end of this year.

I will learn one new thing this year

Learning something now is always good. And, if you have decided to do that then make it a string resolution. Prepare yourself mentally and physically. Expect the changes you will have to make to meet this goal of yours. There may be cases where you may even have to compromise. So, figure out what you have to do. The path to success will never be a smooth one; so expect obstacles, many a time quite stringent ones. Once you are able to overcome these obstacles, you will be able to meet your resolutions.

I will always remain organized

Being organized has multitude of benefits. Be it home or your office, it helps you stay clean. Keeping the clutter out and things in an organized fashion, in fact, will help you lead your life in a better way. Things will fall on place soon and you will also be able to achieve all other resolutions you have taken this year. Did I confuse you? Ok let me  tell you how. Keeping things in an organize manner will cut down the time involved in finding or searching a particular thing. The more time you have, the  better your results will be.

I will cut down my unnecessary expenditures

Money is one of the inevitable sources of stress in everyone’s life. Cutting down on unnecessary expenditure could help in alleviating the stress. How to do so? Cut down the number of times you order food from outside. Instead cook healthy and clean food at home. Just take a look at your wardrobe before you shop for a new dress next time. How many of them do you have? How many have you used? You will automatically stop shopping. Try to clear your debts – housing loan, car loan – and so instead of spending on unnecessary stuffs. The results will repay themselves soon!

I will be more sympathetic and empathetic

Being empathetic and sympathetic keeps you happy mentally. Instead of ordering a 5 kg cake and celebrating your kid’s birthday with your social circle, give the cake away to n orphanage. Each child will thank you. Volunteer to be a part of not for profit organizations and help the needy. You can give the money you spend on a movie to a needy person and she is sure to bestow you with goodness. Try being sympathetic this new year and life will be happier.

Here is a pie chart that will give you a rough idea about what New Year resolutions are all about:


Most Popular New Year Resolutions –


How To Fulfill Your New Year’s Resolutions

Here are a handful of tips that will help you stick on to your resolutions this New Year and fulfill them:

  1. Revisit the last year’s goals to identify the current situation.
  2. Start from where you left off, only for those that deserve a second chance.
  3. Keep your resolutions SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound
  4. Keep track of your progress
  5. Stay clear of addictions as they hamper your goals
  6. Learn, learn, and keep learning. They will help you succeed!
  7. Stick with your fitness and health regimens
  8. Never make an appointment only to miss it
  9. Remain focused
  10. Hog healthily
  11. Involve family and friends in your resolutions
  12. Keep yourself motivated
  13. Hack the stress
  14. Splurge, yet save – that should be motto
  15. Strike a balance between your professional and personal lives
  16. Take a holiday
  17. Organize yourself
  18. Make a journal
  19. Sizzle up your life with some added spice
  20. Smile at everyone
  21. Love, love, and love because love keeps you happy
  22. Sleep generously
  23. Exercise regularly
  24. Enjoy holidays, at least twice a year
  25. Get rid of the junk and clutter
  26. Give your “habitat” a makeover
  27. Give yourself a makeover
  28. Change the attitude you have towards your life and make it positive
  29. Learn to say no when it is needed
  30. Give away gifts and presents
  31. Gift yourself
  32. Be sincere

In short, live life to the fullest! Enjoy each and every moment! Take as they come in. Accept them fully and react! These tips are sure to help you achieve your New Year resolutions!

About nithyayogini 24 Articles
A yogini and writer by passion and by choice, I love celebrating every moment of life. A staunch believer and practitioner of Law of Attraction, I choose to dictate and design the terms of life on my own!