Christmas Party and Celebration


Celebrating one of the most festive events in a year with family and friends makes the occasion even more special and extraordinary. Holiday season in December is one of those events. The chance to reconcile, reconnect and bond with relatives and close friends is indeed once-in-a-lifetime event especially to those who have not seen their family members for a while. That is the main essential of throwing a holiday bash.

Christmas Party Invitations

To be able to let your guests know that you are about to throw a party, an invitation is necessary. Letting them know when, where and how the party would be is quite important so they can prepare. And for those who can’t come over, they can at least ring a phone and let you know.


Photo Christmas party invitation


You can Customise and By this invitation from

Join us for a
GingerBread Hoilday Party
Saturday, December 22nd
6 Pm, – 10pm
The timbelton House
286 Majestic way
Denver, Colorado


Template for the above invitations

christmas party invitation templates


You can create a photo invitation from like below


#1.Christmas invitation wording


Please join us to Celebrate
to celebrate Christmas
and the coming New Year!



christmas party invitation templates

Template for the above Invitation is below



#2 christmas party invite wording

We are having a party to
celebrate this holiday season.
You are invited to join the party
and make it more fun
Saturday, December 22nd
6 Pm, – 10pm
The timbelton House
286 Majestic way Denver,
Colorado Jackie,Lisa

#3wording for christmas party invitations

Let us conduct a party
to make the Christmas Merry.
Your presents will open the
fun and dance.
Pleas join us
Saturday, December 22nd
6 Pm, – 10pm
The jamescook drive
286 Majestic way Denver,
Colorado Jackie,Lisa

Christmas Invitation



#4 christmas party invitations wording

As we conduct our Christmas Party
We request the pleasure of your company
To make it Merry!!
Let us dance and dine
Saturday, December 22nd
6 Pm, – 10pm
The jamescook drive
286 Majestic way Denver,
Colorado Jackie,Lisa

#5 christmas invitation wording ideas

You are invited to an evening
to make our Christmas party merry
with full of laughter and fun
Saturday, December 22nd
6 Pm, – 10pm
The jamescook drive
286 Majestic way Denver,
Colorado Jackie,Lisa


Download and Make your own Christmas Invitations. You can see a sample below


#7 christmas dinner invitation wording

Hi, It is Christmas,
Let us Celebrate this holiday
with dine and dance
please come to ur Christmas Dinner
and make our Christmas merry

Venue and time
Saturday, December 22nd
6 Pm, – 10pm
The jamescook drive
286 Majestic way Denver,
Colorado Jackie,Lisa

#8 family christmas party invitation wording

let us spread the Christmas Cheers!!!
Eat, drink and make merry!
please come to our Christmas Dinner Party!!!

Venue and time
Saturday, December 22nd
6 Pm, – 10pm
The jamescook drive
286 Majestic way Denver,
Colorado Jackie,Lisa

#9 wording for christmas party invitations

Come join us in our house
to Eat, drink and dance!
to Celebrate this season of love

Venue and time
Saturday, December 22nd
6 Pm, – 10pm
The jamescook drive
286 Majestic way Denver,
Colorado Jackie,Lisa

#10 christmas Dinner party invitation Ideas

You are Invited

We request the pleasure of your company
while we celebrate this hoilday season
with dine and dance.
Saturday, December 22nd
6 Pm, – 10pm
The milkyway drive
286 Majestic way Denver,
Colorado Jackie,Lisa

#11 christmas  Dinner party invitation wording samples

You are invited to an evening
To dine and dance with us and
to spread the Christmas cheers!!
Saturday, December 22nd
6 Pm, – 10pm
The lake view hotel
286 Majestic way Denver,
Colorado Jackie,Lisa

#12holiday party invitation wording

Come and share our Christmas cheer.

You are invited for Dinner and
to spread the Christmas cheers!!
Saturday, December 22nd
6 Pm, – 10pm
The lake view hotel
286 Majestic way Denver,
Colorado Jackie,Lisa




We are conducting a Christmas party
and gift exchange
Please come and make it merry

Saturday, December 22nd
6 Pm, – 10pm
The lake view hotel
286 Majestic way Denver,
Colorado Jackie,Lisa

#14 funny christmas party invitation wording

Ho! Ho! Ho!
The sleigh is ready
It’s just waiting for the Santa to hop in
And send you to our chimney!
Come and spend the Holiday party with us!


Grand hotel

sample christmas invitation wording

Spreading the spirit of holiday cheer
Come and party with us,
Let’s rock the Christmas eve!


Christmas is time to bond, they say.
That’s why we’re sending this invite to your way.
Saying, hey, come and join us in this holiday party.
Let’s make the Christmas Eve joyful and merry!


Christmas is tree is all decked
Mistletoe is already hanged
Holiday feast is set up
Just waiting for you to show up
Come and Join us!

Funny Christmas Invitation Wording


Make the season livelier and merrier by adding humor to your invites. This will be possible by writing funny Christmas messages. Can’t think of any idea to make your wording funny? Here are some samples that may help you.


Want to have a nose like Rudolph’s?
Then attend our Annual Christmas Party!
You will get one when you get drunk


Naughty or Nice
Good or Bad
You’re invited to
Holiday Family Feast
Come and let’s have fun!


Want to see Santa on his sexiest outfit?
Then come and attend our party.
Make sure to wear Red Suit and Black Belt.
Don’t forget the red hat with White trimmings!


There will be “Silent Night”
If you come to party and bang all night
We’ll enjoy the drinks and treats!
Please come and party with us!


Here comes the Yuletide Season
We have a good reason for celebration
We can be legally drunk and wasted
So get yourself ready to attend!

Formal Christmas Wording Invitation

If you are planning to set up up a formal party, then sending out formal invitation with formal theme and wording is only appropriate. A formal invitation should include the following:

  1. Introductory Messages
  2. The theme of the party
  3. Date
  4. Venue / Address of the place where the celebration will be held
  5. Name of the Host





Sharing the joyful and cheerful spirit of Christmas
The Adams family invites you to our annual
Holiday Feast
On December 19th, Saturday
At 8:00 P.M.
Merriland Village
Don Ricardo Avenue
Kansas City Missouri
Semi-formal Dress


Christmas season is here!
Bringing happiness and cheer
It would be fun to celebrate it
With loved ones and dear
You are cordially invited to annual
Christmas Caroling Party
On December 23rd Sunday
At 6:00 P.M.
Cole Smith Residences
Topeka, Missouri
Casual Attire


It’s a special time of the year
When people celebrate together and have some cheers!
Together with their loved ones and dears
Come to our joyful
Christmas Eve Fun
On December 22nd, Saturday
At 7:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M.
Cambridge Homes
Lansing, Michigan


Candies and yummy treats
Gingerbread and cocktail drinks
Want to have some?
Then you have to join and come
You’re invited to
Holiday Cocktail Party
On December 21st Friday
At 6:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M
The Evans Family

Christmas Invitation Ideas

More Samples of Invitation Wording
Still can’t find the right words to write on your Christmas invitation card? Then you have to consider some factors. First, who your guests will be? Are they your friends? A family member? Acquaintances? Co-workers and colleagues? Boss? Long-lost friends? Depending on these, you should be able to come up with the right set of words.

You also need to consider the theme of your bash, just like what I said earlier. Are you having a feast? A cocktail party? A holiday dinner? Or just some sweets and treats? Here are more invitation wording ideas that you may find useful for this coming holiday.

Your attendance is a must
To our annual
Christmas Eve Party
Let’s rock the night!

Santa hat is ready,
Food is ready
We’re ready to commence the party
Just waiting for you to come and join the festivity!

Ham, drinks and gingerbread,
Warm chocolate and some dessert
Want to share them with you
So come and celebrate with us

Christmas Invitation quotes

1. So as Christmas time draws near, and we are all so busy here, with shopping, baking, trees of green, let’s ask what does this really mean – Cathleen Weber
Come and celebrate this season of cheer with us…

2. For HE was born for everyone, his destiny, God’s only son – Cathleen Weber
Come and share this beautiful time with us…

3. Christmas is not so much about opening our presents as opening our hearts – Janice Maeditere.
Celebrate this day with us and exchange the gift of love…

4. Somehow, not only for Christmas, but all the long year through, the joy that you give to others is the joy that comes back to you – John Greenleaf Whittier
It is the season to spread joy and love. Come down to our home and share our happiness

5. He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree – Roy L. Smith
Celebrate this day with us and share our happiness and get enveloped in that fuzzy feeling.

6. The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other – Burton Hillis
Be there at our place on—-let us celebrate this day as a big happy family

More Resources


Visit to buy the above invitations