Do you need some inspirational Christian birthday wishes for your friend, co-worker or family? Here, we wrote some samples of Christian birthday messages that you can use for a card or birthday notes. You can always edit and omit some words to keep your birthday wishes suitable for the recipient. You have to make sure that your Christian birthday greetings is cheerful and positive to make one’s birthday extra special.
Birthdays are celebration of life. This reminds us that despite of our differences, we are all equal and precious in God’s eyes. We are all born with our God’s grace. Birthday is a special celebration in which you should remind yourself how blessed you are to be alive and enjoy the gift of life has to give. And of course, no birthday celebration is complete without birthday wishes from loved ones and friends.
- May Jesus bless you with power and patience to conquer the difficult times in your life. Happy
Birthday - On this special day of yours, I pray to Lord Jesus to bless you with love, luck and happiness.
Happy Birthday! - Today, I want to thank mother Mary for blessing me with a friend like you. Love you a lot! Happy
Birthday. - It doesn’t matter how near or far we are, my prayers and Lord Jesus is always with you. Happy
Birthday! - Happy Birthday to a person who is no less than a gift of God to me. Be blessed!
- May God fill your life with happiness and light! Happy Birthday!
- The purity of your heart is a gift of God. Today, I’d like to thank God for blessing me with you in
my life. Happy Birthday! - May Jesus bless you with wise thoughts, good health and patience. Happy Birthday!
- I couldn’t come to see you, so I am sending lots of love-filled wishes your way. Be happy and
know that God is always there with you. Happy birthday to you! - Be grateful to Jesus Christ for blessing you with such a beautiful life. Happy birthday to you!
- You are never alone, Jesus is always with you to help you and support you in every situation of
your faith. Today on your birthday, thank him for always being there. Happy birthday! - Never feel sad about bad things happening in your life. Be grateful for this life and thank God
every day. Happy Birthday!
Christian Happy Birthday Wishes
Be sincere and righteous to your faith because he always believes in you. Happy birthday.
By grace, he has given you a new path, a new direction, may the goals of your life be fough alongside his will and purpose. happy purpose-filled birthday.
The valuable and joyful things to come may give you abundant growth in character. Be in perfect harmony to God’s perfect guidance. Let his love guide you this joyous day. Happy birthday.
I claim in his name that you will humbly be in peace and accordance with everybody around you. Be a part of sharing his words of love to everyone. Happy birthday.
May your fellowship with the Lord our God be forever unbreakable and unconditional for his love to you is as always present and restored. Happy birthday.
The life that he has given you be a live of serving and love with your fellow believers. Love one another in faith and in service. Happy birthday.
Let this celebration of your birth be in great joy and gratitude as you give awe and praise to his name. Happy praiseful birthday.
It is the relationship with God and people that nourishes your life well. Let these things surround you and you will be the person he intends you to be. Happy birthday.
Be strong and sturdy at heart because the Lord knows what you needed and will give you what you ask for. Happy birthday.
There is nothing more valuable to this day of yours than to honor him with all your strength because it is an incomparable privilege. Worship him for you belong to him. Happy birthday.
How he loves you each and everyday, he will never leave you no matter what. Stay on his track and you will stay on his loving presence. Happy birthday.
Trust the Lord for he always keeps his promises no matter what the circumstances are. This day is the evidence of his Glory. Have a glorious birthday.
To know the Lord is to know an everlasting relationship. Be wholeheartedly faithful to this and he will complete you. Happy birthday.
His words are nourishment to the heart, soul and mind. Spend your time listening to his words and he will provide you health in the flesh and in spirit. Happy birthday.
He is the truth, the light that will shine your way to the high grounds and will uplift you to the heights that could never think of. Remember to always stay in his light. Happy birthday.
Value the Eternal things that the Lord has to offer for these are more valuable than the world that we see. Be eternally his. Happy birthday.
You will know the power of God when he fought for you this special day. He is always at your side in all your battles for his strength is abundant. Happy birthday.