The word ‘business’ means buying and selling of goods and/or services and happens between two or more entities. Organizations deploy manpower, hired or outsourced, to run the entire machinery of the corporate. Thus, there is lot of communication to be done with all the agencies that are involved in running the business. Bigger organizations would have a dedicated department called as ‘Corporate Communication’ that works towards devising and deploying various communication methods and tools. Its aim is to bring clarity and add transparency in all communications done by the organization.
Know the letter format
Every organization use standard formats for writing various business letters like letters to the customers and internal communication etc. They specify the font face, font size, date format, body and conclusion. Executives should know these formats and specifications beforehand to create excellent business letters.
Know the recipient
It is highly essential to know to whom you are writing a letter. Customizing the letter for each audience category brings lot of clarity. The tone and tenure of the letter do vary from recipient to recipient and hence you must know your audience and write accordingly.
Use the proper language
It would be a disaster if you write a letter filled with technical jargons to an employee or recipient of a customer who are non-technical and do not have an idea about the matter. At the same time, if you are writing a techno-commercial letter, a balance should be maintained between the technical and commercial contents. Precision and crispy style of writing creates greater effect than lengthy and boring narration.
Personalization and Professional approach
Writing a letter by using ‘I’, ‘We’, ‘You’ and ‘Us etc. denote belongingness that is highly essential in building long term relationships. By personalizing a letter with such pronouns you can emphasize on the cordial relation that you wish to maintain.
Maintaining the perfect voice of the letter is another important aspect. Active voice would be ideal one than the passive voice. Similarly, other grammatical parameters like spellings, punctuations etc. should be maintained perfectly for writing an error-free business letter.
Sample of Business Letter
ABC Networks, Inc.
123, Church Street, Michigan, Ohio 12345
Phone: 222 333 444, Fax: 555 555 555, Email:
August 14, 2013
Ms. Elizabeth D’Souza
General Manager – Purchase
Excellent Electrical Supply Co.
100, Lincoln Boulevard, NY.
Dear Elizabeth,
It was a pleasure meeting you at the industrial exhibition held in NY last week.
As we discussed, the protocol converters manufactured by us are the most advanced and state-of-the-art and can serve for long time. Our products shall undergo stringent quality and environmental tests and help you in reducing carbon footprints.
In this regard, along with my technical and R&D members, I wish to meet you again at your office soon. We would like give a complete overview of our products and understand the customization needs from you.
I believe that this meeting would make to evaluate our products and we can discuss how to take this development further.
Please let me know, at your convenience, when would be right time for the meeting.
Peter Machado
Executive Director – Sales & Marketing
221 341 561